Ciao Ciao Ciao Las Cruces! Amore2go will be at sitel again today from 2:30pm onward. We really hope you drop by for one of our special Napolitano Pizzas. Today we have our full menu going, Mushroom Marsala Pazzo Carne Bing Ban Boom Vampire Chaser Chrostopher Columbus and Our Traditional Cheesey Saucy regular! We have a wonderful Yellow cake CupCake with a very Fluffy, Creamy Peanut Butter Infused Mousse Frosting along with our White Matrimonio Biscotti and Sesame Biscotti We need your input on a thing or two so if you wouldn't mind emailing us it would be great, so here goes: Many of you love the Bing-Bang-Boom But you advised us that it would be bettter to Leave out the Black Olives which we have done, However many of you still would like to see Black Olives incorporated, so if you have any ideas on a Black Olive based Pizza, please pass it along, we will try it out. Grazie! "Hanno un grande giorno": Have a great Day!