Ciao to all our Friends in Las Cruces. It is our pleasure to serve you each and every day and there is no greater joy than hearing you say you enjoyed what we have prepared for you. This past week our cupcakes were a tremendous hit, with Friday being our quickest sell out ever as you all fell in love with our Canoli cupcakes. Once we ran out of cupcakes some of you requested the filling be placed in cups so you could eat it just like that. We still can't wipe the smiles off our faces, you truly made our day! This week takes us away from Las Cruces, some of you know about the situation with Papa and Momma back in NYC. Well unfortunately they have gone from bad to worse. Poor Papa was car jacked and robbed back in October and things have just gotten worse and wors for him. It seems that the care he was getting in the nursing facility was horrible and no one took into consideration that the 85 year old man was traumnatized by the incident. After all how many 85 year old men even would be able to survive a car jacking and being beaten by three young men, then left half naked in the streets of Brooklyn, with no money or identification. The guy is having nightmares and cannot sleep and that does not sit well with those who supervise him. To control him they were tying him to his bed and then over medicating him, he fought back one day last week and they immediately shipped him off to a psych ward in Brooklyn where they do not even know what happened to him and just think he is aggressive and they keep injecting him with stuff. It is not good. Please keep him and Momma in your prayers. And Pray that you or your loved ones never end up in the hands of strangers! As a result Matteo is in NYC to try and see if he and his family can make things better, so we will not be on the street again until Friday, possibly Thursday afternoon. Be Well, See you soon!