Thursday February 7 :: 2013-02-06 23:23:19 MST :: posted by Amore2Go

Ciao To All Our Friends!

Thank You so much for coming out this week.

We are so thankful for the positive feedback we have been receiving on our food.

On the Sweeter Side, it seems you really like our Alien Blondies, Brownie Shots,and Tiriamisu Cupcakes went very quickly.

You also showed great interest in our SUPERCHUNK Chocolate, Chocolate, Chocolate Cookies, we just love saying Chocolate and you just love eating it, what a beautiful relationship smile.gif

We have also gotten many requests for our Canoli Upside down cakes, which we will have on Friday.

On the Coffee Front, GO-Go Espresso has picked up a great following, though our Triple and a Half Espresso with whipped organic Honey is catching on pretty good.

Today we will be stopping by between 2 and 3, not so sure, however we will be at SITEL For Sure!


Have a great Day and May God Above Bless You and keep you Safe.



Jeremiah :: 2013-02-10 21:58:31 MST :: ip: logged
All i can say is that your food is AMAZING!! I Had a Long description of how the pizza made my day, of how it was pure euphoric deliciousness that put me in an amazing mood but i can only fit 300 characters in here. So to you my good sir, Thank you for serving me the best pizza I've ever had.
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